Top 10 Ecommerce Landing Pages Examples in 2022

by | Sep 20, 2022 | eCommerce Marketing, Web Design

Top 10 Ecommerce Landing Page Examples

An e-commerce landing page is a website page that people visit after they make a purchase on your website. The purpose of an e-commerce landing page is to sell more products and engage customers.

This article will focus on the definition of an e-commerce landing page, its benefits, and offers ten examples. 

Definition Of Ecommerce Landing Page

An e-commerce landing page is a web page that offers consumers a chance to make purchases. The purpose of an e-commerce landing page is to convert visitors into customers, which means you must maximize your conversion rate by ensuring your call-to-action (CTA). This will get users interested in clicking on it and completing the transaction.

A conversion funnel is a visual representation of how visitors arrive at and complete purchases on your site. In other words, it shows how people progress through their buying process once they find what they’re looking for on your site. 

Importance Of Ecommerce Landing Pages

Ecommerce landing pages are important for any e-commerce business. They can help you increase conversions and get more sales, but it’s not enough to just create an e-commerce landing page. You need to ensure that the page is designed to attract your target audience and convert them into buyers.

Here are some tips on how you can make sure that every visitor lands on your perfect e-commerce landing page:

  • Make it clear what kind of product or service you’re selling.
  • Use high-quality images, graphics, and copywriting.
  • Make sure all links lead back to this particular store (don’t forget about internal linking).

Top Examples Of Ecommerce Landing Pages

When someone lands on our homepage after searching Google for their query, they should be able to see a landing page that is saleworthy. You might use this as an example of how the following websites have designed their e-commerce landing pages:

  • Larq.
  • Burrow.
  • Skullcandy.
  • Bliss World.
  • Gillette.  
  • Solo Stove. 
  • Spinning. 
  • Liv Watches. 
  • Thistle Waterdrop.

1. Larq Ecommerce Landing Page

Larq is a leading e-commerce platform for luxury brands. The landing page of Larq looks simple and easy to use. It has a simple design which makes it very easy for visitors to find what they need on the site. 

LARQ Landing Page
Landing Page Image Source: Larq

The layout of this site also fits perfectly with its overall brand image, making it an excellent example of how to create an appealing landing page that will convert visitors into customers.

2. Burrow Ecommerce Landing Page

Burrow is a direct-to-consumer online furniture retailer that sells high-quality futons and bed frames. The landing page has a simple design with a focus on the product.

Burrow Landing Page
Landing Page Image Source: Burrow

This page uses subtle colors and an eye-catching headline that tells you exactly what you need to know: “The Best Futon For You.”

3. Skullcandy Ecommerce Landing Page

Skullcandy is an American-based company that produces audio and video products. They were founded in 2003, but they rose to popularity in 2011 when they released their first headphone model. In 2012, Skullcandy became the first company to launch a line of headphones under its own brand name.

Skullcandy Landing Page
Bliss Ecommerce Landing Page Example
Landing Page Image Source: Skullcandy

The design of this landing page is very simple yet effective at generating interest and generating leads for your business’s online store or website. The main focus here is how it uses color schemes for different content sections on the website. 

4. Bliss World Ecommerce Landing Page

Bliss World is an e-commerce website that offers a wide range of products, including cosmetics, health, and beauty products.

The homepage features a full-screen photo of its products along with a short description and contact info. The images are optimized for mobile devices so users can easily see what they’re buying without scrolling through long pages of text or images.

Bliss Ecommerce Landing Page Example
Bliss Ecommerce Landing Page Example
Landing Page Image Source: Bliss World

This page also includes links to different sections within their website where customers can add items while checking out. Every landing page should follow this example.

The product page gives you all the details about each item you’re interested in purchasing: 

  • Size/color options available.
  • Price breakdowns by category. 
  • Customer reviews from other customers.
  • Shipping details. 

5. Gillette Ecommerce Landing Page

Gillette is a leading manufacturer of razor blades. They have a strong brand name, and they have a good landing page that makes it easy for visitors to know what to do.

Landing Page Image Source: Gillette

The design of this landing page is clean, simple, and effective. It’s also well optimized for mobile devices so that you can access it easily on your phone or tablet without having to scroll past all the ads at the bottom of your screen.

6. Solo Stove Ecommerce Landing Page

Solo Stove is a simple landing page that uses the hero image to draw your attention to the product. The copy is short and to the point, asking you if you’d like to learn more about this Stove.

Solo Stove
Landing Page Image Source: Solo Stove

This landing page has a clear call-to-action button: “Shop Mesa” and “Shop Fire Pits.” It also features minimal navigation, which makes it easy for users who want information on other products without having too much extra clutter. 

Your business needs an effective way of getting people interested in what they’re selling.

7. Spinning Ecommerce Landing Page

The Spinning Ecommerce Landing Page is a modern design and clean layout that uses a carousel to display the products. 

The landing page also has an embedded video that shows how to use the product and testimonials from satisfied customers. 

Spinning Landing Page Example
Landing Page Image Source: Spinning

It is also proven that adding videos to your landing pages has a 58% chance of converting. Why miss a chance when you can acquire 58% of your leads? 

8. Liv Watches Ecommerce Landing Page

As an e-commerce store, Liv Watches has a landing page designed to sell their watches. It features a video, a hero image, and a headline. The call to action at the bottom of the page asks visitors if they want to see more of what they’re selling.

LIV Watches
LIV Watches Landing Page Example
Landing Page Image Source: Liv Watches

The layout is simple but effective; it includes all the elements you need to draw people into your store: 

  • Attractive image.
  • Links leading to the desired page.
  • Compelling copy. 

Having these elements in your landing page shows different about their brand than just being another watch seller on Etsy or whatever other marketplace might host similar shops. 

9. Thistle Ecommerce landing page

Thistle is an online store for customized nutritional meals. The landing page features a simple design, a clear call to action, and a value proposition that reflects the company’s mission statement: “Eating nutritious, plant-based foods is incredibly convenient and accessible.”

THISTLE Landing Page Example
Landing Page Image Source: Thistle

The headline on Thistle’s homepage uses important elements in creating an engaging experience for visitors who have already interacted with other marketing efforts on the site (e.g., social media posts).

10. Waterdrop Ecommerce Landing Page

The Waterdrop Ecommerce landing page is yet another good example of an e-commerce landing page. It has a video embedded with a simple design, with a subtle background and white text. 

Waterdrop Landing Page Example
Waterdrop Landing Page Example
Landing Page Image Source: Waterdrop

The top part of the page features an aesthetic video, while below it, there are CTA to product pages and other useful information related to Waterdrop products.


In this article, we discussed 10 examples of top e-commerce landing pages for your inspiration. A compelling copy, attractive images, and effective CTAs would help you stand out from competitors. 

When customizing your e-commerce landing page, you must follow the basic tips, bring in your brand’s awesomeness, and create an effective e-commerce landing page. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Does Ecommerce need a landing page?

Any business would need a landing page to attract leads, drive traffic for specific service or product pages, and for an obvious reason, drive revenue. Your ecommerce business does need an attractive and sale-worthy landing page. 

What makes a great ecommerce landing page?

Landing pages are designed to persuade users to act on your offers. The following are a few factors that make a great ecommerce landing page:

  • Attractive heading and copy
  • A good CTA (Call to action)
  • Links to the particular service or product you target
  • Good image 

How long should a landing page be?

There is no perfect or right number of words to use on a landing page. You now know the important elements to add to a landing page, so add them and try not to add blocky paragraphs (which might make your users disinterested.)

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Michael J Fox


Michael J Fox, CEO

Michael Fox is CEO of Corberry Digital, one of the top digital marketing agencies in the nation. He has successfully helped home service contractors with their websites and marketing. Before creating Corberry, Fox was a co-founder & CEO of and, an eCommerce retailer promoting top CPG brands such as Kohler, Delta and Moen. At eFaucets, they drove SEO with over 115,000 SEO keywords ranking high in Google. The company generated over $500 million in revenue using digital marketing. Fox is a 20 year retail eCommerce veteran and a Forbes Contributor. He is a digital marketing strategy adviser to businesses in the home services industry.

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