31x PPC Traffic and Leads for HVAC Contractor

How Northland Heating & Cooling Generated Leads for $21 per Lead

171 leads per month for $119,700 in revenue

Increasing conversion with improved website & tracking

When the management team first came to us the company was going through an ownership transition.  The former owner passed away and the General Manager was taking over direction and ownership of the business. This meant a new way of thinking and bringing the business into the current world of servicing customers.

The company desired to scale the business to compete with other faster growing competitors in their market.  They had not invested into digital marketing before and desired to transition more marketing spend from non trackable traditional channels such as print and news ads. One of the things holding them back was control and ownership of their website since they didn’t own the assets from another HVAC marketing firm.

In order to scale the business with digital marketing, Northland would need a new website with a new technology stack integrated for better tracking, conversion, and turning visitors into appointments.

The business would need a new website design that would speak to their target buyer persona, be more engaging, trusting, and to meet the expectations of todays customer with immediacy.

The Goal

Improve website lead conversion and reduce customer acquisition costs.

The Strategy

Revamped website using Service Titan Online Booking tools and CRM

The Result

Website improved customer experience and conversion, while increasing ROAS.

768 Clicks

Clicks to Site

22% CVR

Conversion RAte

$119,700 Sales

Revenue from Leads

Northland HVAC Lead Dashboard

Digital Strategies for HVAC Contractors

The Strategy

The first step was to reconstruct the website with a more conversion focused approach.  One that spoke to the target customer and implement calls to action such as online booking.  We then recommended getting the business off a home grown database and onto Service Titan in order to get better visibility into performance.  We also bolted on Schedule Engine to replace the traditional contact forms as today’s customer expects immediate appointment booking to rectify a home’s HVAC when the heat or air go out.  This application was implemented onto the website and then directly integrated into Google My Business and Local Service Ads.

With improved conversion and lead tracking capabilities, we were then able to reconstruct their Google Ads accounts to be performance driven.  Google’s bidding algorithm incorporates 3 factors into the Cost Per Click for a keyword. The 3 factors are conversion rate, average ticket value and the target return on ad spend desired.  Now that the website can track conversion rate from phone calls and bookings, we can plug that into Google’s automation tools to deliver the 7-10x desired ROAS needed to profitably buy ads.

Business Impact

The implementation of Service Titan allowed us to immediately see Average Ticket Value and the leads generated from advertising and online bookings.  It also allowed us to break down service percentages of installation vs maintenance vs repair. We could then break down the Google campaigns to match the business needs and goals. To hit an average ticket of $700, the business needs to acquire the right percentage of traffic for installations vs repair. Then we assigned budgets and KPI’s to each segment as each service type has a different ticket value and therefore a different metric for customer acquisition costs.

The new website and technology stack allowed us to improve the marketing efficiency of Google Ad campaigns.  Conversion rates jumped to 22% which was 171 leads out of 768 clicks to the website.  Much better than the prior 5% with the old website.  This allowed us to obtain leads from PPC ads at a cost of $21.96 per lead.  The return on investment was 31.83x which is well above average when the Google industry average is only 2x. Contact us below if you are interested in obtain the same results.

Want To Know What We Can Do For You?

Let’s discuss your website traffic potential with a Free traffic analysis!

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San Diego, CA 92465


(815) 555-5555